Patient Gallery
See some our favorite patients and see their real results.

When this patient first came to us, she was experiencing constant, agonizing lipedema pain. Dr. Schwartz performed LipedemaReductionSurgery on a total of four areas including an Arm Lift (brachioplasty) with ManualLipedemaExtraction to remove the painful fat and excess skin developed from lipedema. Her pain is now just a distant memory and she feels great!

I let society decide who I was and how I needed to portray myself and my body! I never loved myself. I never thought I was beautiful. I constantly fed my mind negativity. I always looked for the bad instead of the good. When Dr. Schwartz told me, “you have Lipedema, this isn’t your fault”, I was in COMPLETE SHOCK and in disbelief!…When I saw my legs after my first surgery for the first time… (Those emojis represent my reaction)! -Priscilla

The before photo was taken at this patient’s first appointment, as she was about to meet Dr. Jaime Schwartz in 2019, and the after photo is March 2021!
This patient had a series of three #Lipedema reduction surgeries at TotalLipedemaCare! The first phase of treatment was anterior legs, the second phase was anterior calves, and lastly we treated her posterior thighs, buttock shelf, hips & stomach (tummy tuck for lipedema) for a comprehensive transformation! She looks amazing, and most importantly feels amazing! We are so happy for her!

This patient came to us after losing more than 120 pounds following Gastric Bypass Surgery. Despite losing a significant amount of weight, the stubborn pockets of painful fat and feeling of “heaviness” in her lower body remained.
With a family history of #lipedema, she said she always knew her appearance was different and can now look back at her childhood photos that justify this feeling.
“For years I have always known that my legs are different…and that just progressed throughout my whole life.” -Patient

This patient has completed two treatments of Lymphatic Sparing Liposuction with Manual Lipedema Extraction on the front of her thighs and back of her calves. Her treatment plan, tailored by @drjaimeschwartz at #TotalLipedemaCare, consists of four procedures, so this update marks her halfway point!

“I let society decide who I was and how I needed to portray myself and my body!”
Many of our patients deal with debilitating pain, swelling, inflammation, fatigue, and brain fog and these symptoms are often discussed in the lipedema community, but what is not always mentioned is the emotional turmoil lipedema causes with patients who suffer from this disorder. At Total Lipedema Care, we are a transparent community, sharing patient’s journeys, the ups, and the downs, and letting others who suffer know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.