in Beverly Hills, CA
Lipedema is a condition that occurs when fat is unevenly distributed in an irregular manner
beneath the skin, most often in the legs, arms, and buttocks.
- Abnormal build-up of thick connective tissue in areas such as legs, thighs, stomach, buttock shelf, hips, and arms.
- Typically see a large size discrepancy between the upper and lower body. It can be extremely painful and affect daily life.
- Is hormonal and often times begins at puberty and gets worse with pregnancy, birth control pills, and menopause.
- Can become very PAINFUL and limit normal activities such as walking even short distances.
- May increase inflammation in the body leading to “flu-like” symptoms such as brain fog and memory loss.
- Often misdiagnosed as Obesity or Fibromyalgia.
- Affects approximately 11% of women!
At Total Lipedema Care (TLC) in Beverly Hills, Dr. Jaime Schwartz offer therapeutic nonsurgical and surgical treatments. You may have heard it called the “painful fat disorder,” or thought people who suffer from this were just extremely overweight or morbidly obese. There is much more to the story. The truth of the matter is that having lipedema is not the same as being fat. How can we know the difference? The adipose cells that form have extra fluid, plus the fat, which causes the area to distort the skin and change its size, shape, color, texture, and sensitivity in one or multiple areas of the body. Fatty areas of the body may show characteristics in the lower body (calves, knees, thighs), the mid-body (torso, hips, buttock, abdomen), and upper arms. As a progressive disorder in men and women, lipedema is not cured — only managed. The fluid buildup can cause chronic pressure and pain in the affected body part (especially if it is near a nerve).

This is not a fat disorder for just men and women who are overweight or obese. It can present itself in a person who is underweight — it is not limited to the weight/size of the patient. Diet and exercise modification can help alleviate symptoms but will not eliminate the disorder.
A person who is symptomatic of lipedema will look symmetrically swollen in the affected area. The lower body, thighs, knees, and calves may look extremely disproportionate to the rest of the body. The fat will stop at the ankle and not affect the feet. In the midsection, lipedema will cause the lower abdomen skin to hang (like an apron). The buttock will not have an even amount of fat either because lipedema causes it to collect on the upper region only – thus the need for an upper buttock shelf treatment. The upper arms are the most visible area that can exhibit lipedema. The arm skin gets so heavy that it atrophies rapidly and looks pendulous (even at an early age). Like the feet, the hands will not show the signs of lipedema as it will stop at the wrist. The fat may take on a cellulite-like appearance, which is also known as “mattress skin.” This disorder can be very frustrating and debilitating, especially if it is undiagnosed. If you have lipedema, you may also experience the following:
- You have pain and sensitivity in the affected area.
- You feel chronically fatigued or malaise.
- You bruise easily.
- You experience brain fog.
- You have medial knee fat pads.
- Your legs and feet may be swollen after standing or moving.
- You have firm nodules under the skin.
Dr. Jaime Schwartz see patients in all stages and with all types of lipedema who suspect something is wrong or “not right” with their health when diet and exercise are not helping – no matter the level of effort. If you have lipedema, you may feel like you can’t do anything about your situation, but this is not true! The team at Total Lipedema Care is dedicated to helping their patients to feel their best selves.
The fat collection will not be distributed evenly on the buttocks. It will cause the fat to accumulate on the upper part of the buttocks only (known as the upper buttock shelf). If you have lipedema in the buttock area, you may wear a very large size in your midsection but a small in the upper body. This type of fat can make sitting rather uncomfortable and painful at all times.
- Skin is still unaffected (no dimpling or cuffing)
- Body parts may start to look disproportionate but not severe
- Pain occurs but will feel better when the area is in a compression garment or elevated
- Will respond to treatment the best at this stage
- Skin will start to change in appearance (may see a cobblestone-like pattern in the skin)
- Swelling becomes more frequent and longer-lasting, even with elevation
- Lipomas (large, benign tumors) may be present
- Depending on the type of lipedema, Stage II should respond well to treatment
- Tissue affected by lipedema will naturally begin to feel hard and chronically appear swollen
- Connective tissue may feel fibrotic (knotty)
- Large amounts of fat will overhang and distort the shape of the body part
- Early onset arthritis on joints overburdened with the weight of excess fat
- Will not respond well to less invasive treatment methods
- The most aggressive form of lipedema (will not respond too well to most treatments)
- Extensive swelling and hardening of the legs and arms
- Multiple areas will have flaps of skin and folds of fat that overhang on the body
- Can develop lipo-lymphedema (non-pitting edema will present as pitting edema)

At Total Lipedema Care (TLC) Dr. Jaime Schwartz offer therapeutic nonsurgical and surgical treatments. You may have heard it called the “painful fat disorder,” or thought people who suffer from this were just extremely overweight or morbidly obese. There is much more to the story. The truth of the matter is that having lipedema is not the same as being fat. How can Dr. Jaime Schwartz tell the difference? The adipose cells that form have extra fluid, plus the fat, which causes the area to distort the skin and change its size, shape, color, texture, and sensitivity in one or multiple areas of the body. Fatty areas of the body may show characteristics in the lower body (calves, knees, thighs), the mid-body (torso, hips, buttock, abdomen), and upper arms. As a progressive disorder in men and women, lipedema is not cured — only managed. The fluid buildup can cause chronic pressure and pain in the affected body part (especially if it is near a nerve).
You can manage lipedema, but the treatments (no matter how aggressive) will not cure it. At Total Lipedema Care, we want you to feel your best and look healthy without the presence of fluid-filled fat cells within your body from lipedema. We offer the medical management of lipedema cases in all stages or types. If left untreated, it can progressively diminish the softness of your skin, your mobility, your self-esteem, and the quality of your life. Also, you increase your chances of developing blood clots and lipo-lymphedema, which can lead to skin ulcers, infections, and a severely blocked lymphatic sYou can manage lipedema, but the treatments (no matter how aggressive) will not cure it. At Total Lipedema Care, we want you to feel your best and look healthy without the presence of fluid-filled fat cells within your body from lipedema. We offer the medical management of lipedema cases in all stages or types. If left untreated, it can progressively diminish the softness of your skin, your mobility, your self-esteem, and the quality of your life. Also, you increase your chances of developing blood clots and lipo-lymphedema, which can lead to skin ulcers, infections, and a severely blocked lymphatic system. Dr. Schwartz will recommend treatment based on your needs and stage of lipedema.ystem. Dr. Schwartz will recommend treatment based on your needs and stage of lipedema.

Helping patients worldwide live pain-free! Patients travel from all over the U.S. and abroad to receive care from Total Lipedema’s team of leading experts who are known for offering the most advanced and effective Lipedema treatments.